Senin, 12 Oktober 2015

Yulia Ekawati, Adi Asmara


Ability understanding mathematical concepts is one of the important goals in mathematics, giving the sense that the material taught to students not just as rote, but he point to students' understanding. This study aims at understanding the concept of descriptive mathematical ability of students based on categories with cooperative learning model jigsaw. This study aims at understanding the concept of descriptive capability of this type is deskrispsi qualitative research. Damati Subjects in this study were the students of SMA 6 Bengkulu city. With the number of students in class that there was a total of 33 students with 17 female students and 16 male students. This study was carried out in conjunction on 22 May 2014 until 31 May 2014. The results of this study are descriptive ability of understanding the concept of students using cooperative learning model jigsaw seen each category of student understanding of the concept that the ability of high, medium, and low. With the number of students who are in the high category 8 students, there are 19 categories of students, and in the lower categories are 6 students. Judging from the number of students in a category is the highest available. The students who are in the category of students in general are able to answer correctly, even though there are still errors in the answer.

Kata Kunci: concept comprehension abilities, learning model jigsaw.

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