Senin, 12 Oktober 2015

Yulia Ekawati, Adi Asmara


Ability understanding mathematical concepts is one of the important goals in mathematics, giving the sense that the material taught to students not just as rote, but he point to students' understanding. This study aims at understanding the concept of descriptive mathematical ability of students based on categories with cooperative learning model jigsaw. This study aims at understanding the concept of descriptive capability of this type is deskrispsi qualitative research. Damati Subjects in this study were the students of SMA 6 Bengkulu city. With the number of students in class that there was a total of 33 students with 17 female students and 16 male students. This study was carried out in conjunction on 22 May 2014 until 31 May 2014. The results of this study are descriptive ability of understanding the concept of students using cooperative learning model jigsaw seen each category of student understanding of the concept that the ability of high, medium, and low. With the number of students who are in the high category 8 students, there are 19 categories of students, and in the lower categories are 6 students. Judging from the number of students in a category is the highest available. The students who are in the category of students in general are able to answer correctly, even though there are still errors in the answer.

Kata Kunci: concept comprehension abilities, learning model jigsaw.

Winda Ramadianti


Lesson study is an education program from Japan which is developed in Indonesia to improve quality of education in Indonesia. It is held by a team which works collaborativly. Members of the team share their knowledge and experience to increase the quality of learning process. This study describe mathematics communication ability of student who is candidate of mathematics teacher. By lesson study in Mathematics Education Program in Muhammadiyah University of Bengkulu, the mathematics communication ability of student can improve.

Kata Kunci : Lesson Study, Komunikasi Matematis

Selvi Riwayati


Based on the previous observasion done by the researcher at FKIP of Muhammadiyah University Bengkulu, the researcher found that student’s ability in thinking creatively was still low. It was assumed that the lecturer-centered learning approach applied was one of the causes of this problem. One of the efforts tried to solve this was by applying open-ended approach. The aims of this research were to know and reveal the difference between creative thinking ability of the students who were taught by using open-ended approach and those who were taught by using conventional approach.This was a quasi experimental research which was conducted to the fourth semester students who took Linier Program subject in Academic Year 2011/2012. The sample was taken by using random sampling technique. The data of this research was collected through a test, observasion sheet and interview. The data gotten was analyzed. The result of the research showed that the creative thinking ability of the students who were taught by using open-ended approach was higher than those who were taught by using conventional approach.

Kata Kunci : Pendekatan Open-ended, Kemampuan berpikir kreatif

Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2015

Widila, Masri


This study has a back ground of concerns about the ability of students' mathematical connection is still low, it is shown from the results of the initial test(pre-test) students in class VIIB Junior High School 09 Mukomuko. This study aims to improve the ability of mathematical connection sthrough generative learning model. This research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). This research was conducted as two cycles with research subjects are 32 students which consist of 17 male students and 15 female students. The instruments used were: 1) teacher observation sheet, 2) student observation sheet, 3) test the ability of mathematical connections. Data were analyzed descriptively. This study showed increased activity after learning of teacher sand students performed at each cycle, and to the ability of mathematical connections also increased, it is shown from the results of the test(post-test) on the second cycle and each indicator has achieved success criteria. Thus, it can be concluded that the generative models can improve students' mathematical connections.

Kata Kunci: Generative, Mathematical connections ability.

Sabtu, 11 Juli 2015

Yulia Susanti, Sofyan


This research is motivated by mathematical logical thinking ability of students is still low. This research aims to investigate the improvement of students' mathematical logical thinking ability, through the application of learning models RESIK. The research that has been conducted is the kind of Classroom Action Research (CAR), a class XI student research subject IPA 1, amounting to 32 students. Test data and observations were analyzed quantitatively reinforced with subsequent documentation of all data obtained were analyzed by descriptive quantitative. The results showed that the mathematical logical thinking ability of students has increased in the second cycle with both criteria. Based on the observation sheet analysis, activity increased in the second cycle students in both categories, and the activities of teachers in both categories in each cycle. The results showed that the application of RESIK learning model can improve the ability to think logically mathematical students in class XI Science 1. 

Kata Kunci: think logically mathematical, RESIK

Resma Khairani Anwar, Nyayu Masyita Ariani


This study was focused on the ability of students' understanding of mathematics conceptuals, especially VII A MTs Talang Arah students at Mukomuko district. Many of their pre-test scores ones were still on low level. One of the types of cooperative learning model, Learning Starts with a Question, was predicted can increase the ability. The main focus of this research was how to improve it by the model that choosen. This research was classroom action research. The subjects were 14 male and 11 female students of the class. The instruments were: 1) teacher observation sheets, 2) student observation sheets, 3) ability of understanding of mathematics concepts test. The data were analyzed by descriptive-quantitative technic. The research showed that the relevan activities of students on this cooperative learning model were good, and the ability of students' understanding of mathematics conceptuals, were increased too.

Key words : Learning Starts with a Question, Understanding of  Mathematics Conceptuals

Nova Puspita Sari, Kashardi

Hendro Setyawan, Mahyudi

Abdul Rouf, Zachriwan

Jumat, 20 Maret 2015

Senin, 02 Maret 2015


In general academic ability of students of mathematics very limited. Disadvantages
are very prominent, namely in terms of the quality of students who become inputs. Students
had difficulties to follow the demands of the curriculum of several subjects, for example, in
the course of Program Linier. This course requires the mastery of calculus and linear
algebra adequate, and sufficient levels of logic. While the level of student mastery of algebra
and calculus are still lacking and even much less. In addition, this course requires a good
reasoning ability, especially in making mathematical models. As a result, students very
dependent on the explanation and guidance of faculty in understanding the course material.
To overcome these things do the lesson study in learning to enable students to develop
learning so that students can be more independent in learning and be able to change the role
of the professor as "teacher centered", of the role that only conveys information
(transformer) to the role of intermediaries (facilitators and mediators ). In addition, through
these activities teachers can conduct a review of its performance and can be used as input to
improve performance so motivated to constantly innovate become a professional lecturer.
Lesson study is a model of professional development of educators through collaborative
learning assessment and sustainable based on the principles of collegiality and mutual
learning to build a learning community. Stages of implementation of lesson study include:
Plan (plan lectures), Do (implementation attended lectures with observer) and See
(discussion and reflection lecture). Based on these results it can be concluded that the Lesson
Study is an effective way to increase the independence and student learning activities; Lesson
Study is a well-designed activities will make into a professional and innovative faculty.

Keywords: Lesson Study, Program Linear