Jumat, 20 Maret 2015

Senin, 02 Maret 2015


In general academic ability of students of mathematics very limited. Disadvantages
are very prominent, namely in terms of the quality of students who become inputs. Students
had difficulties to follow the demands of the curriculum of several subjects, for example, in
the course of Program Linier. This course requires the mastery of calculus and linear
algebra adequate, and sufficient levels of logic. While the level of student mastery of algebra
and calculus are still lacking and even much less. In addition, this course requires a good
reasoning ability, especially in making mathematical models. As a result, students very
dependent on the explanation and guidance of faculty in understanding the course material.
To overcome these things do the lesson study in learning to enable students to develop
learning so that students can be more independent in learning and be able to change the role
of the professor as "teacher centered", of the role that only conveys information
(transformer) to the role of intermediaries (facilitators and mediators ). In addition, through
these activities teachers can conduct a review of its performance and can be used as input to
improve performance so motivated to constantly innovate become a professional lecturer.
Lesson study is a model of professional development of educators through collaborative
learning assessment and sustainable based on the principles of collegiality and mutual
learning to build a learning community. Stages of implementation of lesson study include:
Plan (plan lectures), Do (implementation attended lectures with observer) and See
(discussion and reflection lecture). Based on these results it can be concluded that the Lesson
Study is an effective way to increase the independence and student learning activities; Lesson
Study is a well-designed activities will make into a professional and innovative faculty.

Keywords: Lesson Study, Program Linear